Grocery Shopping Alternatives to Save You Time and Money! #2

Grocery Shopping Alternatives to Save You Time and Money! #2

Screen shot from the Azure website –

Review of AZURE Standard Co-Op

Many times, I have heard friends say that they do not want to live more than 5 minutes away from a Wal-Mart. I think that is funny because I could care less if I ever stepped foot in a Wal-Mart again myself. (Which is a good thing considering where God has us moving later this year! ) But, I do understand the convenience factor, but I am not willing to give up our life in the country on the farm to have it for sure! So, I have learned to plan ahead and to stock up, so I can make as few trips to town as I have to.

Where we are currently located, I can be at Kroger’s or Wal-Mart in about 15 – 20 minutes. But, neither of those carry the number of organic foods that we need for our standard of nutrition we try to maintain. So, my plan has always been to go into the ‘BIG’ city about once every 2 weeks or so to hit the Whole Foods store there. And it is nice as it is a newly built large store where I can usually find most of what I am looking for… and if not, I can also hit a local co-op and even a Trader Joe’s and an Aldi’s if I am desperate for a particular item.

Marcia to the rescue. Then a good friend told me about a co-op that delivered to different locations. Hmmmm… worth checking out to maybe cut down on my trips to the big city. So, I looked into Azure Standard and the closest order drop site near me was actually in the big city. I decided to try it anyway for the prices and selection of the items they offered. Unfortunately, the scheduled order pick-up time each month was on a Friday at 5:00 PM…. About the WORST possible time to be in the big city! I tried it … ONCE… and decided my previous notion to always be at least on my way home by 4:00 PM to avoid traffic and mayhem was a good idea and ESPECIALLY on a Friday when it seems twice as bad and like playing Russian Roulette on the roads to get home safely. Nope, this schedule was not worth it to me, selection and prices or not. So, I decided to look and see if there were any other possibilities for available for order pick-up time and locations. Nothing. Next step was to see about starting one closer to us. So, I contacted Azure and signed up to be a drop-coordinator. Simple enough – so now they were going to be coming right to our small town to drop off orders – WONDERFUL! They do have a minimum order to make a drop, but by adding a couple of friends, that was enough to meet each month and since the coronavirus SCAMdemic, many families have joined our drop group and that is never a problem at all. So, we place our order on line and meet the truck once a month in the Wal-Mart parking lot to pick up our items – everything from fresh organic produce to bags of oats for the horses. Kind of funny when you think about it guess… there I am in the Wal-Mart parking lot, but I don’t actually go into Wal-Mart. Hahaha!

Things I like about using Azure Standard Co-op-

  • I like that I have a great selection of ORGANIC fresh produce as well as pantry items to choose from. What they have as well as what they do NOT carry is important to know!
Screen shots from the Azure website

Azure Product Standards

(copied from the Azure website)

At Azure we’ve set high standards for ourselves — and for our vendors. We require transparency from all the companies we work with, and Azure only chooses suppliers that produce real foods made with only natural ingredients.

That means you get nutrient-rich foods that are minimally processed with no artificial additives, no preservatives, no GMOs or MSG, no artificial colors or flavors. That doesn’t mean every item is organic. Some are made with organic ingredients but are not Certified Organic. Some go far beyond organic. They all are earth-friendly, GMO-free and meticulously chosen for their healthful qualities.

Certified Organic Foods

Every product that Azure lists as organic must be certified by a third-party organization. Third-party verification ensures that the vendor has undergone a rigorous process to adhere to strict organic standards, as required by law. Many of our products, including those grown on the Azure Farm and advertised under the Azure Husbandry brand, go well beyond the minimum organic standards to provide a superior, clean and nutrient-dense food. Consumers should be aware that products cannot be advertised or labeled as organic in the open marketplace without an organic certification. Check each product’s organic label for more details. And remember, if it’s Certified Organic, it IS non-GMO.

Natural, Non-GMO Foods

With Azure, every new vendor is required to sign a non-GMO verification letter if they are not already certified non-GMO. Many products we carry are made with mostly organic ingredients but are not Certified Organic for a variety of reasons. We believe our non-organic products are stepping stones in a personal journey toward a healthier lifestyle, which we hope will eventually include more organic. But it’s important for us to offer many options so customers can make the most sensible choice based on what’s best for their family and budget.

Glyphosate Residues

Choosing organically grown products is the best approach to avoiding glyphosate (and RoundUp) residues.  Although the conventional products we carry are non-GMO, this does not mean they are free of glyphosate. 


Historically, some supplement companies have sourced ingredients from corn or soy that may have been genetically modified. Today, many of our supplement industry suppliers are moving toward non-GMO verification and/or organic certification. Azure is currently reviewing all our natural supplement products accordingly. Not only that, every new vendor is required to sign a non-GMO verification letter if they are not already certified non-GMO. We encourage customers to read ingredient lists on each natural supplement product to ensure that it meets your needs.

Azure’s Unacceptable Ingredient List for Food Items

⦁ Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
⦁ Refined Conventional Sugars
⦁ Artificial Colors
⦁ Artificial Flavors
⦁ Artificial Preservatives
⦁ Artificial Sweeteners
⦁ Bleached Flour
⦁ Certified Colors
⦁ Alcoholic Beverages
⦁ Fluoride
⦁ Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
⦁ Artificial Nitrates/Nitrites in Meat Products
⦁ Pork Products
⦁ Shellfish Products (except when used as an ingredient in nutritional supplements)
⦁ Tobacco

A Word about “Natural” Flavorings

Azure is currently reviewing all products that include “natural flavorings” for items that are unacceptable. All new vendors are required to sign a certification letter clearly stating that their natural ingredients do not contain any of the following items:

⦁ Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
⦁ Monoammonium Glutamate (MAG)
⦁ Monopotassium Glutamate (MPG)
⦁ Glutamate
⦁ Glutamic Acid
⦁ Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
⦁ Hydrolyzed Protein
⦁ Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
⦁ Hydrolyzed Oat Flour
⦁ Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten
⦁ Plant Protein Extract
⦁ Sodium Caseinate
⦁ Calcium Caseinate
⦁ Autolyzed Yeast
⦁ Yeast Extract
⦁ Autolyzed Yeast Extract
⦁ Textured Protein
⦁ Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
⦁ Textured Soy Protein (TSP)
⦁ Textured Wheat Protein (TWP)
⦁ Malt Extract
⦁ Malt Flavoring
⦁ Stock Flavoring
⦁ Carrageenan Enzymes
⦁ Soy Protein Concentrate
⦁ Soy Protein Isolate

We continually review our product lineup for ingredient compliance, and we work hard to discontinue any items that do not match our standards. If we discover a product that includes unacceptable ingredients, we will investigate and take action, including the discontinuation of that product. We welcome your comments, suggestions and concerns.

Read more details HERE.

  • I like that I only have to drive 15 minutes to get it instead of an hour drive to the big city and fight traffic to get the things I need. Saving money and TIME!
  • I like supporting an independent family owned company. Small excerpt from their website:

“Here, we understand that naturally grown foods are instrumental in producing a long and satisfying life. We’d like to see more farmers and home gardeners turn to natural organic growing practices, so we do what we can to not only support the organic farmer, but also provide as many organic products as possible.

We chose to call our business Azure Standard, to signify by the name what we are attempting to do. Azure is a shade of blue which has been associated with law, justice, and honesty. In raising an azure standard, we want to place an honest standard in the marketing of food. We feel that the correct way to effect a positive change is not to attack the way it is being done, but to begin to do it right.

We are dedicated to the “organic principle” of cooperating with nature and we pray others will join us so that we may once again see prosperity in our land.”

Read more HERE. Read about their company history HERE.

  • I like supporting a company that promotes and supports organic farming and products.

Azure Core Values (Read more details HERE.):

  • I like supporting a company with high, faith-based morals. I loved the first time we picked up our order and I when they gave me our groups pallet marker sheet it had a Bible verse printed on it.

My only complaint with Azure is that they only come once a month! (I recently discovered another company I can fill the in-between Azure order time in that delivers right to my door! Check out my review of Misfits Market HERE.

You can check to see if Azure has any order drop locations near you, or do like we did and start your own! Check current locations HERE.

Current Azure Order Drop Sites – surely there is one near you!

If you decide to sign up and give Azure a try, using this link will throw a couple of dollars back our way to help keep us up and going! We have bought from Azure for years and I would recommend them even without the kickback to us.

I hope this information gives you another a great option for providing health choices for your family as well as saving you some time and money – things we can all use a little more of!

Happy, Healthy shopping!


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Get to know Shawn Tucker

So, how did a girl who grew up in a 'meat & potatoes' medical family go completely natural, plant-based and drug free? Read my story here....