
Taste and see that the LORD is good. – Psalm 34:8

A HUGE part of our lives is spent around food and eating – Not only do we do it 3 times a day or even more, we use food as part of our celebrations for holidays, family gatherings and special occasions. To remain in excellent health as our wonderful God and creator intended for us…. We need to nourish our bodies with health-promoting, non-toxic foods with the proper vitamins, nutrients and calories our body requires to be of ultimate health. But, we also believe God meant for food to be for our enjoyment and for fellowship at meal time with our family and friends.

So, we share a collection of our very favorite and time-tested recipes with you. We come from a long history of great southern cooks on both sides of our families, so an instinct for good foods comes easy! As we learned more about eating and living healthy – it took many years of trial and error, trying new ingredients and new methods we were not familiar with until while we made more healthy changes to our diet and lifestyle. So, hopefully, you can jump-start through some of the learning curve of making healthy changes to your diet and cooking habits by learning from our mistakes and our successes. There is a great diversity of recipes from old-fashioned family favorites made healthier to more chic, modern designer raw dishes…. South-of-the-border and other foreign flavors to American classics including some tasty sweets for the sweet tooth.

We have divided the recipes in to 3 categories:

Recipes - Smashingly Healthy

Smashingly Healthy

These recipes will be of utmost health! LOTS of health-promoting and body-healing fresh and mostly RAW ingredients full of all the good things God intended us to nourish and heal our bodies with….. and tantalize the taste buds too! Some may include new ingredients and methods you have not tried yet – but don’t be bashful – try them and stretch your learning curve and your taste buds and you will reap the many benefits of eating fresh, clean and healthy as God designed our bodies to FLOURISH on!  This category is where you want to eat the most from for optimal health!
Recipes - Happy Medium

Happy Medium

These recipes are good healthy options… mostly healthful and sometimes a combination of raw and cooked ingredients. Great recipes to include in your menu on a regular basis for a healthy diet and your body will thank you for it! They are great dishes to share with family and friends as well. These recipes are good staple recipes as well as transition recipes to adding more healthy, nutrition-packed foods into your diet as you work towards eating more and more healthy and move forward to the ‘Smashingly Healthy’ category of recipes.
Recipes - Comfort & Special Occasion

Comfort & special occasion

These recipes are a lot of old family favorites and comfort foods made healthier. They are great for special occasions, family get-togethers, church potlucks, as well as a family treat at home now and then. While these recipes are healthier than the standard fat and sugar-laden foods with little nutritional value that most consume daily, if you truly are seeking optimal health, you do not want to make them the staple of your diet. They are great recipes to transition as you move your diet and learning more towards your healthier goals.

Each recipe will have the scale on it to indicate which category it falls under.

BFF Smoothie
Smashingly Healthy

BFF Smoothie

The BFF (Best Favorite Fruits) Smoothie is one of my favorite smoothie recipes! Probably because

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