Informative & Educational Articles
For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. – Proverbs 2:6
As believers we are instructed to search for WISDOM, value TRUTH and we to test EVERYTHING! And I don’t think there has been a time when these were more needed than today. We are constantly researching topics on health and current topics. It can be a tough job sorting through information today to find the TRUTH! ‘Fake news’ is a term you hear a lot these days…. And sadly, there is plenty of it to be found on health and almost every topic out there today. We do our best to use the spiritual gifts of discernment God gave us for this task and spend time researching and using the scriptures to guide us until we get to the TRUTH!
Bible Study & Devotions
Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. Joshua 1:8
Being strong and healthy physically is a wonderful thing… but we cannot neglect our spiritual health either! For a fully healthy, balanced and productive life, we need to be healthy mind, body and spirit. Along our own path of learning and striving to live the lives God desires for us, many, many times God placed just the right passage of scripture or a devotion in front of us that was just what we needed at that very moment. He has also led us to teach and to share with others. So, we will pass on the lessons God has taught and shown to us along our journey and hope and pray you might find them at just the right time in your own life. Some specific topics include spiritual gifts, faith, obedience, families, prayer, fasting, Satan, and how to use the things we learn in scripture in our modern lives today.
fun family activities & ideas
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
Living a healthy, hard-working and productive life is a wonderful thing and can bring joy to our souls… and we can also have some fun along the way too! God created us with a love for fun and even a sense of humor – we need to enjoy these gifts as well! The Bible talks about joy and laughter and we need those in our lives too! So, we’ll share fun games and crafts and maybe even a joke or two along our journey together.
Kitchen Tips, Tricks & Demos
For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33
What the heck is a flax egg? What is the best way to cut open and use jackfruit? … and what is a jack fruit anyway?? Xanthan gum … I don’t even….?? How do you use a spiralizer? Cocoa or cacao – what is the difference? How can I cut open a coconut without losing an arm? How to convert old favorite recipes into healthier versions. We’ll cover it all here. Gain some useful information to make your time in the kitchen smarter, quicker, easier and more enjoyable!
Product REviews
Whatever you do, do well. Ecclesiastes 9:10
Whenever we are in need of a new product, be it an ingredient for a recipe or a new piece of equipment in the kitchen or on the farm, we spend a lot of time researching to find the best quality and bang for the buck that we can find! We always try to give everything we do or make our very best effort – but sadly we can’t say the same for every manufacturer out there. We are happy to share our findings and share the good, bad and even the ugly about items we have used ourselves with you to help save you money and time in your busy schedules.
Taste and see that the LORD is good. Psalm 34:8
We provide our readers with delicious, healthy recipes that line up with the core health message we advocate based on Biblical principles found in God’s word. There are many options from old favorites to new modern recipes, for beginners to more advanced gourmet recipes. There are free recipes as well as recipe e-books and menu plans available for purchase. Check back often as we will be adding new delicious and fun recipes on a regular basis!
Private Facebook group
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. – Ecclesiastes 4:9
While God has given us a lot to share – we don’t want to be the only ones talking! His design is for us to laugh, learn, share and, when needed, even cry and pray for each other’s needs together. Fortunately, modern technology today provides us with the tools to be able to do that with friends from all corners of the globe! How exciting is that?!! So we have set up a safe place where we can come together as friends and fellow believers to share, ask questions, learn and have fun together. Come and join in the fun and fellowship!
Motivation & Encouragement
So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Through our website and other services, we strive to motivate and encourage you and your family to live your very best lives possible! Health is a very important part of that equation, but additionally, in order to run the race God has placed before each of us to the best of our ability, we also need to be mindful and good stewards of other areas in our lives as well…. From family relationships and finances to Bible studies and recycling and everything in between. Join us we learn, share and grow in all areas of this beautiful life God has gifted us with!
Additional Resources
For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. 2 Corinthians 9:10
Our web consultant expert tells us we should try to keep clients and customers on our website and not send people to other sites. Good sound business advice I am sure! But, our main purpose and goal is not about making money, it is about equipping families with the best information and tools available to live their best, healthiest and most productive lives possible!…. to be better equipped to run the race God has set before each of you for His glory and to share His love and redeeming grace and salvation with others for the time He gives us here on earth. As much as we would truly love to be the know-all and end-all site for all information – that is simply not possible! God tells us in His word to “seek HIS kingdom first, and He will take care of the rest – so we trust Him in that! So, we are happy to share additional resources we are familiar with and use ourselves that you might also gain information, encouragement and even some fun from!
Books & Printable Resources
I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Ephesians 3:16
We provide education, motivation, recipes, meal plans and even some fun in the form of e-books and other printable resources. These educational and helpful resources are downloadable and printable, so you can enjoy them on the go or at home instantly. Topics covered are: recipes and meal plans with tips and complete shopping lists, specific health topics, pet health, horses, kids activities, gardening, craft projects, and Bible study topics….. and whatever else God leads us to dig into! And if there is enough interest, we will look into having printed books available in the future.