OUR Mission

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. – 1 Peter 4:10

Our basic belief is that God, in His infinite love and wisdom, knew exactly what He was doing when he created the earth and all living things upon it – including us! He very carefully knitted us together and formed the delicate balance of nature here on earth. He designed and created us – and therefore He alone knows what is the very BEST for us! There is no second best that comes close to His perfect plan and design! As hard as humans may try, we will never, ever be able to match or even come close to the perfection of His design. In our modern-day society, we have come a LONG way from the Garden of Eden, and not for the better! While we will never be able to re-attain the perfect food and conditions of Eden, we can strive to do our best to nourish our bodies as God intended! We will find health if we put into practice the principles he established for us when he created man. We read in the very first chapter in Genesis how God created the world and prepared a perfect and beautiful place for us. He created man on the 6th day and told us at that very moment what was to be our diet to best nourish our bodies so that we might live and thrive in the world He had created for us.

(Genesis 1:24-31) We believe it is God’s will for us to be healthy – mind, body and soul! The mission of 6th Day Life Ministries is to spread God’s message of health and healing and living all aspects of life to the fullest using His word to light our path, for His glory and for the fulfillment of the plans He has prepared for each of us to carry out.

Come join us as we learn how to get healthy, as God intended and desires for us to be!

Our Mission
Our Mission