OUR Services

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. – 1 Peter 4:10

Individual Consultations
& Wellness coaching

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Having a personal health and wellness coach can be a great tool to bridge the gap between your current lifestyle and habits that are holding you back to setting goals and facilitating the changes that will see those goals and dreams fulfilled to achieve a happier, healthier and more productive life. Our aim is to help individuals reach their full health, fitness and lifestyle goals by developing strategies for improving all areas of personal wellness including spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, occupational and financial well-being. We help clients find the motivation, improved self-image and tools to educate and empower themselves to meet their goals through all natural and Biblical-based principles and guidelines. 


Biblical Nutrition, Health, & Healing Classes

*Available Locally & World-Wide Online!

‘Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.’ 3 John 1:2 

God cares for our physical health as well as our spiritual and emotional and well-being. He designed our awesome bodies for a full and wonderful life and to be self-healing – His desire is for us to be HEALTHY – mind, body and soul!

In our classes, we dive deep into many subjects and give you the facts, backed by science, but, even more importantly – lining up with and accordance with the knowledge God, as our creator, has given us in HIS word.  

All information is researched, discerned and balanced with the knowledge God has provided for us in his word, and taught by CNHP, Certified Health Minister, Hallelujah Acres Culinary Academy graduate and Certified Self-Sabotage Coach – Shawn Tucker. 

Future plans & Services coming!

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. – Proverbs 16:9

If the Lord delays in His return to take us home, He has given us LOTS of inspiration and ideas for many plans in the future. Possibly a wellness center where we can teach classes and help people – possibly even with cabins available for people to come and stay for a while to refresh, recharge, detox, heal, learn and get their health back on track. Gardens and green houses where we can grow healthy organic fruits and vegetables, etc, and teach people to grow more of their own foods at home. Our own line of natural health and beauty products made from organic, healthy ingredients. We would like to raise honey bees for our own honey too!  So many ideas! When many of our friends are talking about retirement – looks like the Lord is going to keep us busy for a while!  

Private Facebook group

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. – Ecclesiastes 4:9

While God has given us a lot to share – we don’t want to be the only ones talking! His design is for us to laugh, learn, share and, when needed, even cry and pray for each other’s needs together. Fortunately, modern technology today provides us with the tools to be able to do that with friends from all corners of the globe! How exciting is that?!! So we have set up a safe place where we can come together as friends and fellow believers to share, ask questions, learn and have fun together. Come and join in the fun and fellowship!